

電影 Pursuit of Happyness (當幸運來敲門) 的一段對話:

Father: All right, then we go sell a bone density scan. How about that? Want to do that?
Son: No.
Son: Hey dad, I go to pro. Ah ha... I go to pro...
Father: Oh okay... Yeah... I don't know... You know eh... You'll probably be about as good as I was... That's kind of the way it works. I was below average, so you'll probably ultimately rank somewhere around there, so I'm not really... You'll excel at a lot of things, just not this. I don't want you out here shooting this ball around all day and night, all right?
Son: All right.
Father: All right, come here.
Father: Hey. Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something. Not even me. All right?
Son: All right.
Father: You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can't do something themselves, they want to tell you you can't do it. You want something. Go get it. Period. Let's go.

父親:好,然後我們去賣骨質密度掃描器。好不好? 想嗎?
兒子:爸,我要去打職籃。(笑聲) 我要去打職籃。
父親: 哇... okay... 是啊… 我不知道… 你知道嗎… 你很可能會跟我以前差不多… 那通常是事情進行的方式。我在平均以下,所以你最後很可能也會落在那附近。所以…我不是…你將在許多方面有傑出的表現,但不是這個。我不想要你在這裡一天到晚射這個球,好嗎?
  • "pro" 是 "professional"「職業的;專業的」的縮寫。"excel" 是「善於;勝過」,為動詞。"period" 是「句點」,也就是「就這樣;沒有商議空間」的意思。"You'll probably be about as good as I was." 是用 "as... as..."「如…一樣」的句型。