

布萊德彼特 (Brad Pitt) 在電影《班傑明的奇幻旅程》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) 裡飾演班傑明,一位隨時間流逝但外表卻愈長愈年輕的奇人。這一段是他的女兒在她母親 (也就是班傑明之前的女友) 床前首次閱讀班傑明之前寫給她的信的內容。以下是影片的對白:

They are all for me.
Five... ''I wish I could have taken you to your first day of school.''
Six... ''I wish I could have been there to teach you to play piano.''

1981 , Thirteen...
''I wish I could have told you not to chase some boy. I wish I could have held you when you had a broken heart. I wish I could have been your father. Nothing I ever did will replace that.''

I guess he went to India...
''For what it's worth, it's never too late, or, in my case, too early... to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit. Start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. And I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that stop you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. And if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.''

五歲 (生日)…「我希望我可以在你上學的第一天帶你去學校。」
六歲 (生日)…「我希望我可以在那教你彈鋼琴。」

1981年,十三歲 (生日)…

「不管好壞,絕不會太晚,或以我的案例,太早… 來成為任何你想成為的人。沒有時間的限制。你隨時都可以開始。你可以改變或保持一樣。這個東西沒有規則。我們可以最好或最壞的利用它。而我希望你可以最好的利用它。我希望你看見使你停下駐足的事物。我希望你感覺從未感覺過的事物。我希望你遇見持有不同觀點的人。我希望你過一個令你驕傲的人生。而如果你發現你沒有的話,我希望你有從新再開始的力量。」
  • "wish could have..." 是 "與事實相反的希望"。"hope" 則是 "有可能實現的希望"。"for what it's worth" 是「不論好壞;不論有沒有用 (價值)」的意思。